At this moment, I am sure this blog looks something like my journals of old--happily begun then abandoned at the first sign of busy-ness in my life. We're a mere 5 weeks or so out from the big migration, and worry is starting to run rampant. Clothes, toys, and general things we have held onto for years are slowly slipping away to our family, Goodwill, and our storage space. Why, then, does it still feel cluttered? Adam finally got his actual degree from Fuller and has sent it away to Aberdeen so that we can officially be going. Now all that's left are those darn UK visas and I found out (shock) that they cost a pretty penny for each member of the family. There's another $1000 I wasn't prepared to drop. The best news is that we have a house to come to in Scotland--thanks Emily Malone! One of the things we are most excited about is the group of friends we can expect once we've moved, which is very nice considering we're leaving everyone we know on the other side of the world.
I found out it's about $100 extra per suitcase after 2 suitcases per person for the airline we're using, and each suitcase may weigh 50 pounds or less. This is okay news because I think with the four of us, we'll be able to squish most essentials into 8 suitcases. I find I am letting go of things I thought I couldn't live without a year ago. One thing I'm trying to do is write down the various places in California that are our family's favorite places to go and print out pictures of them to hang in our new house--both for us to look at and to show our guests and friends where we come from. Will write more when I get the (ha ha) time.


Miss Mommy said...

hey- I posted a comment here...I know it. Anyway, looking forward to meeting you all finally and throwing down some Settler's...altho we'll have to borrow it from the Aernies. :)

Adam Nigh said...

Oh, we've got it with Seafarers and Cities and Knights.

Joy said...

i like your blog. it makes everything about moving to scotland seem so realistic. i have an email for you coming soon. i promise. gotta love the delayed emails of a newborn mommy. cant wait til we get to hang out in person (in 5 months)!

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